[Task] Video editing for ecourse

A graphic design & video editing project due by 19/8/2022. I am planning to provide all the assets by end of Monday 15th Aug - if this is delayed, the deadline will extend. I'm looking for the work to be completed 3-4 days after the assets are received.

Edit together footage, images and illustrations to form an ecourse.
I will provide:
- 60ish mins of footage, already broken into individual lessons
- a script with the visuals to be added clearly labelled
- illustrations and templates to make it easy include them into the videos
You will need to use a bit of initiative to decide how to present the content including some simple editing in photoshop and illustrator.

Ideally you'll complete this in iMovie so I can do final tweaks. I do have final cut pro if you prefer but you'll need to teach me to use it!

I look forward to hearing from you. If you can't make this task but this is your kind of thing, get in touch anyway as I have 4 more tasks like this still to come for further modules.

Time Required (Hours or Days): 6
Due Date: 19 Aug 2022
Describe your task: Edit illustrations and titling into ecourse
Task Area:
Business development
Content writing
Customer service
Data analysis
Graphic design
Market research
Social media
Software development
UX testing
Video editing
Web design
Software Capabilities:
Google sheets
Photoshop / Illustrator